Utterances Journal
A journal of perennial poetry


A finite image of Infinity:
 That is the purpose of all poetry.
– Frithjof Schuon

Utterances Journal seeks to fill a void in the space of Perennial Philosophy publications. There are journals dedicated to comparative religion such as Sacred Web or The Temenos Academy. There are also book publishers such as the Matheson Trust or World Wisdom Inc. They, and others, do great work. But there are very minimal publishers, if any at all, who focus on the artistic expression of the Perennial Philosophy. Yes, there are journals such as Parabola who publish works that can be glossed as expressing Sophia Perennis, but that’s not their philosophical and spiritual thrust. With that in mind, Utterances Journal seems to be the first of its kind.


The Perennial Philosophy and Poetry

Perennial Philosophy, the Sophia Perennis, is the idea that underlining the Traditions, or Religions, there is a single Spirit giving breath to them. This Reality is the Nothingness beneath the World, The Source of Life, The Essense of Prayer, The Father of All.  For a quick overview, see this article (PDF) entitled “The Perennial Philosphy” by Frithjof Schuon. Otherwise, check out the book “Advice to the Serious Seeker” by James Cutsinger for a great introduction written for those with faith seeking understanding (St. Anselm).

Poets have traditionally been seen as prophets, seers, and mediators between the gods and man. Their duty has been to make known (manifest, reveal) the spirit of inspiration. Whether in an ecstasy of sunlight or a dark night, the poet finds themselves at the behest of a Transcendent One breaking into (creating, bringing forth) Immanence. Or, from our point of view, an Immanent Unreality (Creation) reaching for (manifesting, expressing) the Objective Reality. For a better overview of poetry as it relates to the Perennial Philosophy, see this introduction (PDF) to the book Music of the Sky edited by Patrick Laude and Barry MacDonald.

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Christian Guild


An image of the curator, Christian Guild

Christian Guild is currently working toward a B.A. in philosophy and theology at Holy Apostles College & Seminary. He has also participated in the Solum Mentorship Program through Solum Literary Press. He has poems published in Solum Journal and The East Lansing Arts Festival Journal and poems forthcoming in Clayjar Review. He lives in the mitten of Michigan with his wife, daughter, and a cat named Reese.