Temporarily closed

Utterances Journal takes its cues from the religious school of thought known as Sophia Perennis, the Perennial Philosophy. In short, each true religion is a true Revelation of God. With this in mind, Utterances Journal seeks to publish poetry with an incarnational expression. Words mean something.  Forms mean something. United, they manifest the Transcendent (non)-experience of the Divine.


In our inaugural issue, we are seeking poems that help guide the soul up “Jacob’s Ladder” or across the skies in a chariot. We want poems that are faithful to a specific Tradition and exemplify both the unique language of its revelation and its Source in the “Edenic” language, Logos. The running theme/title of the first issue is “Incarnational Incantations”, though it’s subject to change.


Please submit poems to utterancesjournal [at] gmail.com and follow the guidelines below:

  • In the subject line: # SUBMISSIONS; NAME
  • An attached file in a .pdf, .docx, or .doc (preferably both)
  • Up to 3 poems per submission
  • Poems can be any length
  • Simultaneous submissions are accepted, but please inform us if your piece is accepted elsewhere (so we don’t get in trouble for publishing the piece beforehand)
  • We accept “previously uncurated” work. We will be considered the first publication/curation.
  • Please include a short bio, any links, and a short cover letter (if you’d like) in the body of the email.

    Note: If poem is in a language other than English, please provide translation. Also, the untranslated poem must be an original piece. These poems will be hosted on this website as long as it exists. All rights will belong to the author. However, Utterances Journal as a collected whole will be as free as possible. All things belong to God and will return to Him. We will not enforce acknowledgments of first publication/curation or copyright infringements but respecting both would be nice.